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Vidar Sicarius

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Vidar Sicarius
Biographical Information
Birth Year 13, Day 20 12:00 CGT
Age 20
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Diamal
Marital Status Single
Father Aquilus Sicarius
Mother Giovanna Sicarius
Siblings Elle Sicarius (Missing)
Spouse None
Children None
Imperial Service
Branch Ministry-of-Industry-Seal.png
Ministry of Industry
Positions Academy Recruit
Prior Service academy.png
Imperial Academy

Intelligence Dossier

Physical Examination

“The gleaming azure eyes look out at the universe from a cold, unyielding expression. Anyone examining the eye quickly realises that the icy shiver cascading down their spine comes not only from the heart of the individual. Many have said that the eye is that of a killer…stunning and enticing for a second, then cold and deadly upon closer study.” ~ Anonymous

Vidar Sicarius is above average height, although there are a number of the Geno Haradan assassins who are bigger than him. He has a well toned body which does not support a great deal of muscle bulk. Whilst the genetic enhancements do increase his strength, he has a more athletic build which allows him to move quickly enough to optimise his weapon proficiency.

He is not an ugly man; some may consider him attractive, but in the presence of the company that matters very little. He has a slightly broader nose than most which was in part due to the beatings he received before admittance into the company. His eyebrows are quite distinctively bushy although they are seemingly unnoticed in the presence of his ice-blue eyes, which he inherited from his mother. His hair colour was something he got from his father’s side of the family, a sharp black which is cut so that he is able to have a full, clear vision, which often helps when he is on the hunt.

Vidar only has access to a few sets of clothes in the Geno Haradan facilities. For when he is on missions he often wears simple black, sometimes lightly armoured, clothing with a holster on each side of his body to make best use of his dual pistol proficiency, he also tends to have two short swords on his back in case he needs to resort to close combat situations. He often makes use of his natural ambidextrous ability with use of weapons and whenever it is required in missions. When in the facility there are a few pairs of plain shirts and trousers, often these are a simple grey, although there are some variants, simple white or black. He also has training clothing which is relatively comfortable and durable enough for the rigorous drills he and all the other facility assassins are regularly put through.

Psychological Test

Whilst still under the guidance of Geno Haradan, Vidar was very much like his brothers and sisters in terms of personality. That is, due to the RELIC chip implanted in his mind he was not able to express much in the ways of emotion, he simply followed his orders as he was told. However, the observers of the Geno Haradan took note at how Vidar would try and help the other assassins and in their group/team drills he was able to plan and act in a way which saw the objective complete and the safety of all those under his command in-tact.

And now, after the events which freed him from Geno Haradan, he's left with the ability to feel emotions for the first time that he can remember. So whilst on the run from the forces chasing him, he often finds himself overwhelmed with confusion and uncertainty. After overcoming the initial surprise and unknowing of being able to feel things, Vidar now tries to question the emotions that are brought up within him, in an attempt to understand them. However, he questions them when he has no answers and rarely gets anywhere. He wants to understand what he feels, which may lead him to gain some sense of control.

Turning Full Circle: A Biography

Forgotten Memories

Compassion was not a virtue well known to Aquilus Sicarius; in fact it was doubtful he knew how to spell the word. Instead he was a man driven by greed and lust. He was wrapped so tightly within his own world that he failed to pay much attention to any of those around him.

He was a tall and well built man, and carried a number of scars on his body and face from many scraps he had gotten into due to his ‘job’. Aquilus was a small time spice dealer on Coruscant, more specifically the Coruscant Underlevels where he lived. His life was one of alcohol, spice and sex, he lived life as it came at him, and he found that the selling of spices earned him a good cut of credits. Also, with the overpopulated lower levels and the addictive qualities of spice, business was always booming. He was part of a much larger narcotic ‘market’ which was a well-known problem in the Underlevels.

Aquilus would get his hands on the spice and mix it with other materials in order to make sure he could optimize his sales and rake in as much money as possible. The CSF were utterly useless in the lower levels and avoiding them proved extremely easy, allowing him a happy life full of healthy amounts of credits.

Giovanna Lyome was one of Aquilus’ regulars as of late. She was younger than Aquilus, just shy of twenty in comparison to the dealer who was in his mid thirties. She had recently lost her job on the higher levels due to the habit she’d picked up in her teens, one which had led her to being kicked out of the educational system at the age of seventeen. Her parents were shamed by her expulsion and her addiction; they kicked her out and forced her to live life without the comforts and safety net of their financial baking. She had tried to kick the habit, she was determined to change, she found a job and a place to rent that was cheap and decent enough to live in. But times were never easy and when they got hard she fell back into her old habits. Eventually it led to her losing a job and left her unable to find anything else even half-decent on the upper levels. She was soon kicked out of her apartment. In her position there was only one way to go, down.

She descended to the Underlevels of Coruscant where rent was cheaper, but so was the pay. She managed to find a little something, watering at a local cantina for what shifts she could. But down at the bottom of the pile she held very little drive and soon the habit had consumed her life completely.

Aquilus was a local dealer and Giovanna quickly found that his prices were reasonable and his contraband was strong enough to satisfy her cravings. However, she found herself spending more and more as the effects lessened over time. This quickly led her to a tricky financial situation. She was already at the bottom of the pile, was there any further she could go? There was.

In her desperate state she appealed to one of Aquilus’ obvious desires, lust. She struck up a deal with Aquilus; she would pay a percentage less for her purchases in exchange for sex. Aquilus, confident his ‘business’ could easily continue without this small cut from the prices of one junkie, agreed to Giovanna’s offer. They soon began their ‘relationship’, each time they would both hit themselves up with anything decent Aquilus had at the time. It was during one of these times, their minds thrown completely off course by the spice, which they forgot the contraception they would usually have used. A child was accidentally conceived in a small dank room in the Underlevels of Coruscant, they were Vidar’s parents, a junkie willing to use her body to pay for some of her habit and the dealer who was all too willing to receive her trade. It was not a match made in heaven.

For a little while Giovanna was unaware, it was only after so long of complaining about stomach cramp that she went to see a doctor, a cheap one that she could afford, who informed her that she was in fact pregnant. Of course this threw poor Giovanna completely, from what she could remember of her nights with Aquilus they had used protection, but then again, there was a lot she couldn’t remember from most nights. Some nights she couldn’t recall at all.

After she’d been able to gather her own thoughts a little on the matter, she went to Aquilus, who was less than helpful. He wanted nothing to do with the child, he wanted it gone, unmade. As far as he was concerned the baby had nothing to do with him. However, this did not deter his lust as his loins still craved for Giovanna.

This news about her child was not strong enough of a motive to kick the habit, nothing ever was. She still continued to visit Aquilus and reap the benefits of their trade until she reached a point where she was no longer in such a great figure (until Aquilus’ desires faded).

For a number of months Giovanna was left to fend for herself, she had to continue working even with her added growth, there was no other source of income. And she was also lacking the cut in prices from Aquilus and was forced to pay in full, a fact that didn’t stop her from paying even though it really should have. In truth Giovanna hadn’t begun planning anything for this baby, there were no preparations for it, no saving in order to feed it, the child was going to have an extremely tough life, even more so if it lived long enough to become an adult. It was likely that the child would follow in its parent’s footsteps, lead a similar life to one or both of them.

When the birth finally rolled around Giovanna was at home and caught completely by surprise. Alone she panicked and had no idea what to do, she had no money for the hospital or medical care and attention, the closest thing she had was an older Rodian neighbor who had present at births before and a midwife on one occasion, however her knowledge of human births was somewhat limited. The process was slow and painful without medication to support her and against the Rodian’s complaints, Giovanna turned to the last of her spice for an easier transaction.

It was a long and arduous birth but the Rodian worked as best she could to help deliver the child and keep both it and the mother healthy. It was drawing towards midnight when the child was finally released into the world unsuspecting of what awaited him. As Giovanna looked upon his strong screaming face she named him Vidar, Vidar Sicarius, because he was the son of Aquilus, whether the man wanted to think so or not.

But things did not end there, more crushing waves of pain shook through her. None of them had expected twins, but that was what Giovanna was left with, the healthy and strong-looking Vidar and a comparably weak-looking girl. Giovanna’s exhausted mind was barely able to think coherently and now she had to debate what to do with these twins. One child was enough to scare her, but two, she just couldn’t handle two. She rejected the girl, even against the Rodian’s protests her belief was firm; she would not care for a second child. She would scream at the midwife to take the child away, she didn’t care where, anywhere but here. Afraid and in shock the Rodian woman left with the child and Giovanna, nor Vidar, would see her again.

For the first few weeks Giovanna would love her son almost as much as the high she got from spice. But everything spiraled downhill from there, she went as best as she could without resorting to the substances Aquilus provided but gradually things began to return to normal. After a few weeks since giving birth Giovanna reached a stage that Aquilus considered ‘physically appealing’ once again and after giving her the same offer as before she gave up any small part of resistance that had developed.

Aquilus would now make a frequent number of ‘home visits’ to supply Giovanna with spice and to take his pay from her. Often he would stay over and just hang about. Aquilus never held Vidar, nor did he care too much about the child’s presence. The child would barely even register as background noise during the dealer’s visit to Giovanna’s humble apartment.

This was the beginning of the neglect; at first it would be when Aquilus and Giovanna were too high to really register any of Vidar’s cries. Eventually he would tire himself out and Giovanna would begrudgingly tend to him in the morning, whilst nursing herself back to a state of normality. However, things progressed and worsened for Vidar, as he grew and aged Aquilus would become easily more annoyed with him. The child was curious about this frequent visitor to their humble abode and a lack of a father led Vidar frequently to Aquilus, who was often drunk or high, or simply didn’t care.

Over the first two years of his life these things would gradually worsen and repeat themselves quite frequently. Of course, there was no real service for helping children in the lowest levels of Coruscant, home of the poor and forsaken. They were ignored and left to rot and struggle as they wished. The same went for Vidar. And so, when Vidar turned two years old he was hit for the first time by Aquilus. It was surprising that it had not happened before, but it would most certainly happen again.

Once again things would gradually escalate; Aquilus would hit Vidar more often, harder and even when he hadn’t even done anything ‘wrong’. Essentially the boy became little more than a punch bag. And Giovanna in all this time had come to lose touch with her son, that blissful motherly love had been replaced by the sweet ecstasy of a superficial high. And Vidar became the source of her ‘problems’, her verbal punch bag, the object she would shift her blame onto with her pale and accusing finger.

Things got bad, very bad. Vidar would suffer from a multitude of large bruises and cuts and more than likely a broken bone or two. He had learned one thing, not to cry. Crying only made them shout louder, kick harder; he always tried his best not to cry, for them. Once Vidar turned three, things progressed even further. When his parents would have a night filled with spice and fornication, most likely after a torrent abuse had been shoveled onto the child, Aquilus would throw the boy outside of the apartment, onto the street for the night, like an animal.

Vidar would huddle and wrap his small body into a ball, covering himself with whatever rags he could find and let everything out. He would sob himself to sleep, careful not to make too much noise, just in case.

One night as she returned home from a night of work, the aging Rodian female witnessed one of Aquilus’ fits of rage as he would cast the boy against the wall opposing their apartment and yell down at the boy with a white-hot furry before kicking him in the stomach and heading back inside.

After so long of this the Rodian was not unaware of what went on, but she was fearful and riddled with emotion and uncertainty. She wanted to help the boy, but what was to prevent the wrath of Aquilus and Giovanna falling down onto her afterwards? She had seen the child sleeping before, eyes puffed and red or glazed with a gleaming purple trophy, but she had held her breath, closed her mind and fought back the words of her conscious. On the streets of Coruscant everyone learned that it wasn’t wise to stick your neck out for someone, otherwise you’d find that someone else would take advantage of that exposed flesh and slice off your head without a second thought. But this was her first time really seeing the child get hit, the first time she saw him drag his malnutrition body over to the pile of rags that he’d try and use for warmth after being kicked and hurt so badly. She watched the child she had help bring into this world as he lived and bowed like a dog and she could not watch any more.

Despite the voices that warned her of the consequences she took the child away, first she fed him and dressed his wounds as best as she could. And then she used her connections in the medical centre where she worked in order to get Vidar placed into an orphanage nearby. However he never reached an orphanage, it was only a week until he was taken on by a group, Geno Haradan. They would take after him, provide him with food, shelter and friends in order to help him develop as a person, and they were willing to pay. After a number of medical tests and procedures by this group, Vidar was taken away from the world he had spent the last three years in, and he would not remember the hell he faced there, or the hell that was to come.

When they discovered Vidar was gone the next morning, Giovanna was distraught and confused. It was Aquilus who eased her nerves, handing her another fix, he would guide her through these harsh times and allow her to forget she ever had a son called Vidar Sicarius; he would drown her in a life of drugs and crime, where she would rot along with him.

Geno Haradan helped to heal Vidar back to ample health before they put him on the operating table, their first subject, and candidate, their Invictus. Vidar Sicarius died that day, in the cold and harsh embrace of loneliness.