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[[Imperial Army]] Adjutant
[[Imperial Army]] Adjutant
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[[IGC]] Deputy Director
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Revision as of 21:07, 16 June 2008

Bacara Kex
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Emma Kex (Deceased)
Father Tye Kex (Deceased)
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children {{{children}}}
Born Year -14 Day 25
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Imperial Legion CO

Imperial Army Adjutant

IGC Deputy Director

Prior Service

Bacara Kex is a Major in the Imperial Army. "Kex," as he is known by many of his friends, was born on the planet of Corellia to the the parents of Tye and Emma. There, on Corellia, he spent much of his early years until the lifestyle of his father allowed him to leave his homeworld. Later, he ended up enrolled in the Imperial Academy and is presently serving the Galactic Empire in the Imperial Army as the Adjutant to Alan Steel and Deric Adams.


Early Life

Kex was born on Corellia. There he was raised by his mother, Emma, and father, Tye, during his early childhood. His father would come and go, since he worked as a bounty hunter and was always traveling throughout the galaxy on contracts. When he was about 10 years old, he started traveling with his father on his jobs. Soon, it became all they did. He was hardly ever home. For the next four years he traveled with his father assisting him with his bounty hunter and mercenary jobs. Through his father, he was taught the finer aspects of combat. When not on a contract, he would train with his father for hours on end. Everything from firing a blaster to unarmed combat was taught to him in these years. Meanwhile, his mother left him and his father, due to their lifestyle, when he was about 12 years old. He doesn’t remember much of her anymore, and has no regrets about his early life.

Teen Years

When he was 14 his father was killed while on a job and he was forced to fend for himself. He decided to take the first steps on his way to becoming a bounty hunter and following in his father footsteps. He assisted his father on many hunts, before, and was very used to the life that a bounty hunter lived. However, the life of a bounty hunter just did not seem to fit him anymore. After many successful hunts he felt his heart was not in it, anymore. He was able to get a ride to his home planet of Corellia, and there he was able to live for a few months, until he used up the rest of his credits. Now, 18 years old and back on his home world of Corellia, Kex wondered what to do with the rest of his life. The answer quickly came to him. He found an Imperial recruiter on Corellia and immediately enlisted in the academy.


Upon reaching the age of 18, Kex enrolled in the Imperial Academy. After years of studying and training, Kex graduated the academy at the age of 22. Immediately upon graduation, Kex enlisted into the Imperial Army. He started out at the bottom, like all newly enlisted, as a Private. Soon, after proving his reliability and dedication, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He really took his new rank with pride and wanted to show his commanding officer that he deserved such a rank. He immediately stepped up into a command role as his unit's Operations Adjunct. After the Imperial Army went through some structural changes, Kex was promoted to the rank of Master Sergeant and announced as the executive officer of his unit. As time went on, Kex continued to prove his worth to the Imperial Army, quickly asserting himself as a key figure in its future. Soon, disturbing news came that Brigadier General Mintaka Kyuzo, the Imperial Army Adjutant. had defected to the New Republic. Army High Command quickly assured everybody that nothing was to fear, and promoted Kex's good friend and commanding officer Deric Adams to the Army's Adjutant position. Soon, Kex received a new commanding officer, and the unit moved forward. Unfortunately, the new commander had to take an extended leave of absence, and Kex was promoted to the commanding officer of his unit, as well as being inducted into the Imperial Officer Corps as a 2nd Lieutenant. Kex took this new position with the utmost honor and respect, as he doubled his efforts to prove he was the right man for the job. After all his hard work, Kex saw another promotion to the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Recently, the Imperial Army saw the retirement of its very own Lieutenant General Dale Chambers. With his retirement, Alan Steel was appointed the new Army Commanding Officer by the newly announced Minister of Defense, Grand Admiral Slicer. Soon, more changes were made that included a restructure within the Imperial Army, and Colonel Adams being announced as the Army Executive Officer. Shortly after, on Year 9 Day 197, Kex was offered the Army Adjutant position, and as he gladly accepted he became a member of Army High Command.

Imperial Gaming Commission

On Year 9 Day 113, the Imperial Ministry of Operations announced the creation of the Imperial Gaming Commission. Kex became the Deputy Director of the newly created commission, while Deputy Minister and Sith Lord Kiger Wulf was announced as the Director.


Imperial Army