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Keshaun Williams

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Keshaun Williams, also known as Klone, is a Flight Corporal in the Imperial Navy. Keshaun was born in Mos Espa, the city in the middle of the planet Tatooine.




As a child, he was educated in the way of Kendo. He and his brother, Kevin Williams (they were separated from birth), never knew their parents, as they were put up for adoption at birth. Their foster parents were nice to them.

The Wary Traveler

When he reached adulthood, Keshaun traveled the streets of his hometown, Mos Espa, in search of his purpose in life. Just as he thought life was meaningless, he saw a man wearing an Imperial uniform. He thought he had found his purpose in life. His purpose was to protect people from the Rebels.


You'll know if Keshaun had been there. You'll see the word "KLONE" at possible place.

His signatures are:

The Klone has arrived.

Desparatus vicis accerso desparatus concepta.(Desperate times calls for desperate measures.)

The Galactic Empire

The Galactic Empire

The Imperial Academy

When Keshaun Williams joined the Imperial Academy, the least of his worries was to make a good impression on his professor. As he makes his first impression to his professor, he was less than disappointed by his professor's reaction.

Keshaun's Trainning

When he was assigned a professor, Keshaun began reviewing his lectures and to be able to pass his exams. As he handed in his first two exams, he is fascinated with the results of his first exam. His second exam left him not so excited. But he made it up by getting good grade of his third and fourth exam. He then quickly and flawlessly finishes his final exam. He then waited a long while for his professor to tell him his overall test score.

The Graduation

Keshaun Williams was contacted by his professor, Lieutenant Commander Daniel Ascarion, and enters the room when instructed by his professor. The Lt Commander tell the Recruit that he has graduated from the Academy with an overall average of 76%. He gives Keshaun the Imperial Academy Basic Graduate Ribbon [IABG] and replaces Keshaun Williams' rank insignia on Keshaun's uniform and congradulates the new Cadet.

The Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy

As the new Cadet waits to be assigned and contacted by his fleet CO, Keshaun explored his hometown of Mos Espa to pass the time. Just as he thought that he'd never be contacted, one of his fleet command staff contacted him. Soon after, he arrives at his fleet HQ and enters the ship for the first time ever. A couple of days later, his Fleet Executive Officer send a message to the Cadet's datapad. The Cadet was promoted to Crewman! His XO replaces the Cadet rank insignia on his uniform with a Crewman rank insignia. Not expecting this promotion, he thanks his XO and get back to patrolling the system. As he patrol his home system, a hologram of his Fleet XO appear on his datapad. He was promoted to the rank of Flight Corporal. The new Flight Corporal was filled with happiness and continues patrolling the system. After his mission in his fleet's home system, his XO invited him to his Star Destroyer for a banquet with another Flight Corporal. When they arrived, they were the only two enlisteds there. After two hours, his fleet XO announce that FCPL Williams has received a DIS for his incredible work in the fleet's home system and the other Flight Corporal was promoted to Flight Sergeant for his incredible work on one of the fleet's latest missions.


Keshaun basically carries around a blaster and twin swords (one was his brothers).


Keshaun rarely uses the blaster. He only uses it when he needs to.


Keshaun dominates in sword fights. He can kill you if he wants!!! Stay away from the blades!!!


While Keshaun worked hard in the Galactic Empire, he was promoted a couple of time.

Ranks Held
Recruit E-1
Cadet E-2
Crewman E-3
Flight Corporal E-4