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#REDIRECT [[Imperial Information Service]]
| organisationname = Imperial News Bureau
| image =
| leader = [[Hiyo Rogo]]
| founddate = 2007
| type = [[Part Time Job]]
| profession = Journalism
| members = see below
| emblem =  The Quill Pen
| motto = ''"Winning Hearts and Minds through the Power of the Pen!"''
| applicationprocess = [http://holonet.swc-galactic-empire.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=106&start=0 How to join the Imperial News Bureau]
| forum = [http://holonet.swc-galactic-empire.com/viewforum.php?f=28 Imperial News Bureau (Holonet)]
| Affiliation = [[Ministry of Truth]]
Formerly known as the [[Imperial News Service]], the Imperial News Bureau is the central news organization of the Empire. It is led by the Editor-in-Chief and is a department of the [[Ministry of Truth]]
== History ==
The Imperial News Service became the central news organization in the Empire after High Command decided it needed a dedicated staff of journalists. Its early successes were an Imperial Newsletter([[Soldier's Journal]]) and News broadcasts on Imperial Holovision.
===Expansion and Challenges===
The INS experienced dynamic growth in the first few months of its existence. Its purpose of countering enemy propaganda and reporting on Imperial victory was being met with every article. An ambitious project designed to connect Imperial journalist with allied journalists was launched. The so-called allied edition project never came to fruition as it was hindered by multiple setbacks.
The first great challenge came when Lord Isolodor Storm was murdered and the Chiss Ascendancy fell. While the anti-Imperial media was celebrating, the INS reported the facts. The Bounty Hunter who killed him was hired by a group that had a grievance with Lord Storm.
The INS was then shocked, but not surprised, to learn that Adam Flynn had taken control of the New Rebellion. With the aid of top notch sources, the INS was able to report events as they happened, and had access to rebel transmissions.
Shortly afterward, the INS expanded into GNS operations. Using a collaborative operation similiar to what had been done with the newsletter, the INS was able to inform the galaxy of Imperial victory. Although the deaths of several interns eventually forced the INS to cut back to Bi-Weekly broadcasts.
===Reforms and Reactions===
In an effort to make the INS more efficient, Editor-in-Chief Rogo instituted a series of reforms. The measure included the creation of a specific structure; positions to assign responsibilities; and standards for recruitment.
As the INS improved its efficiency, the quality reporting had improved its image. It was a more effective Journalistic force than its predecessor. Its first major attempt to influence the Galactic Journalistic landscape was the Galactic Correspondents Conference. While it received moderate attention ,the high profile of one of the winners of the awards that were given out that night contributed to attention that it did receive.
Competing News Organizations were stunned by its success and convinced several former members of the Lyran Union government that a news organization was viable as a profit venture. This venture was later known as [[GalaxyWide NewsNets]].
This created an upsurge in frequency of news reported by various organizations and a sudden decline in reporting by [[Galactic Tabloid Publications]], an organization known for its inferior reporting.
Then the erroneous reporting of population figures by the [[Falleen Federation]] resulted in them being declared the Galactic Government. As a result, the INS suspended all GNS operations until further notice. The INS used this time to improve its performance.
===The Light of Truth===
When [[Imperial High Command]] announced that the [[Ministry of Truth]] and Dissemination had been resurrected, the INS was now under the jurisdiction of the revived Ministry. In another shocking twist, the new [[Minister of Truth]] announced that the Imperial News Service would become the Imperial News Bureau and that the Imperial Gazette would have the traditional name Iron Will. The INB eagerly awaits the day that they will be able to resume GNS Operations.
The INB is divided into several sub-departments. each sub-department has its own leader, but they all report to the Editor-in-Chief.
===Imperial Holovision ===
(Editor: TBA)
The INB has a dedicated team of reporters ready to broadcast the news when it happens. This division is dedicated to broadcasting over Imperial Holonet and is accessible on the Imperial Holosite via the News Grid.
===Imperial Bi-Weekly News ===
(Editor: TBA)
The INB broadcasts to all Galactic citizens through the Galactic News Service. Bi-weekly broadcasts update galactic citizens on the latest news.
<As per a directive issued by Editor-in-Chief Rogo, GNS Operations have been suspended until further notice.>
===[[Imperial FM]] ===
(Program Director: Stefan Skyreaper)
Imperial FM began when Imperial Edward Carter and Timothy McVale created a radio station that would broadcast music to all Imperials stationed everywhere throughout the galaxy. Jathrin Thoyan had wanted to do some sort of live News broadcast, and Imperial FM gave him the venue he needed.He was granted permission to host a daily news broadcast on the station. While it was the second of this type, it had two advatages over Silverheim Incorpoarted's SEMCast: it was daily and live; as opposed to the pre-recorded three minute pro-rebel SEMCast. These early days were filled with excitement as Imperials flocked to listen.There were lively discussions and IFM grew in popularity. On his daily news show he talked about the issues of the week, and played music.
Then the dark times began. Edward was killed by pirates, and ownership was transferred to Dan Black-Granger.
When the new owner joined the Chiss Ascendancy, he took the station with him. IFM became Chiss FM, and the Ascendancy leadership imposed censorship as they instructed all broadcasters to tone down their pro-Imperial Sentiment. During this time, audience numbers were at record lows.
The nightmare continued when Lord Isoldor Storm was slain. The Ministry of Operations ordered all Imperials on the Chisss FM staff to return to Imperial territory, and declared that Chiss FM was off the air. Several Chiss FM staff memebrs defected. A few days later, the Chiss Ascendancy fell.
Although the station had been purchased by the Black-Granger family, Jathrin wanted to resurrect Imperial FM. After a few weeks of planning, and with the approval of the Ministry of Operations. IFM was back with a small but dedicated staff. Jathrin decided to step back from talk radio and focus on a more administrative role for IFM.
Recently Jathrin has stepped down as Program Director to focus on other [[INB]] duties.
IFM Site: http://swc-empire-ifm.zxq.net/
===Iron Will===
(Editor: Jathrin Thoyan)
Formerly known as the Imperial Gazette, this monthly publication produced in cooperation with the [[Ministry of Operations]] [[Art Team]]. It provides articles that contain the latest news, commentary, and more. This publication also serves as a proving ground for new reporters and allows veteran writers a space to explore certain topics in depth.
===INA Academy===
(Director: [[Rann Van]])
A program designed to teach new INB members about journalism. This program is currently pending, but
will have a "buddy system" in which new members are paired with a senior member.
== Members ==
=== Current Members ===
*Editor-in-Chief [[Hiyo Rogo]]
*Editor(Iron Will) Jathrin Thoyan
*Program Director Stefan Skyreaper
*Senior Writer Rann Van
*Senior Writer Zenchi Senkusha
*Correspondent Josef DeLaurel
*Junior Writer Haran Ran
=== Past Members ===
*Editor [[Bryan Valoran]]
*(Under Construction)
Oversees all Bureau Operations, and handles administrative tasks for the Bureau.
Responsible for overseeing each division of the Bureau.They edit all submissions for content in their respective division.The only exception is that the head of Imperial FM is known as the Program Director.
===Senior Writer===
Usually having been in the INB for a long time, or having demonstrated exceptional skill and talent, senior writers will usually be given the significant requested articles, as well as provided with potential leads that are deemed too tasking/time consuming for a correspondent. They will, however, be required to do much of their own investigation and reporting. Consequently, the leads page is to be used as a last resort for stories by those recognized as senior writers. In most cases, senior writers will be asked to work on the GNS release pending it's renewal. Senior writers are handpicked by the Ministry of Operations liaison and the EiC, with recommendations made by individual editors.
INB members who have been through the basics and understand how the INB works, but have yet to either demonstrate the skills required of a senior writer or are just too new to the scene to be sent out on their own. Correspondents will most often be tasked with working on various aspects of the Iron Will or on INB articles. In most cases, they will be provided with a basic topic to work with, and given the chance to develop individual information gathering/reporting styles. More often than not, correspondents will be directly working with an editor to provide the material that is being worked on. Correspondents are INB members who have passed the stage that requires direct supervision, but are still directed by editors.
INB is experimenting with a policy of specialization with Correspondents to test whether they deserve promotion to Senior Writers.
===Junior Writer===
New to the INB, junior writers are those who require direct supervision and regular checking-on. Common jobs for junior writers include: basic articles with straightforward information, gathering information for another writer, and working with straightforward information, gathering information for another writer, and working with writers on lengthy articles.
== Imperial News Bureau Quotes ==
*"Winning Hearts and Minds through the Power of the Pen" (motto)
== Imperial News Bureau Projects ==
*[[Imperial FM]]
*[[Iron Will]]
== Banner ==
== See also ==
[[Ministry of Truth]]
[[The IG Project]]
== References ==
#[Imperial News Bureau http://holonet.swc-galactic-empire.com/viewforum.php?f=28(Holonet)]
#[ Imperial News Bureau Front Office http://holonet.swc-galactic-empire.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2192(Holonet)]
[[Category: Part Time Jobs]]
[[Category: Part Time Jobs]]
[[Category: Departments of the Ministry of Truth]]

Latest revision as of 23:39, 29 June 2013