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Fritz Maukun

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Fritz Maukun
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Mother Karei Maukun
Father Vance Maukun (†)
Spouse -N/A-
Siblings -N/A-
Children -N/A-
Born Y15 D226
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Prior Service
Awards 8655_maukun.png

Early life

Fritz Maukun was born to Kaeri and Vance Maukun. His parents were both travelers, studying the physiological aspects of humans integrating with the nonhumans in the foreign their sociological environment. Due to the constant traveling, he had no real place to call his home. Little else is known of his early life. Since an early age, Fritz was fascinated with the concept of space flight, and found that being among the stars was more of a home than anything else he experienced. However, on a routine transport to a space station in the Trax System, the transport he was on was stopped by a New Republic Security Officer for a “routine security check”. The Officer entered the shuttle, and deemed the studies his parents were doing to be criminal, and against the unification of all species. He then attempted to detain his family, only to have his father struggle with the Officer. His father withdrew a thermal detonator, and grappled the Officer. The result was predictable, and they were both killed instantly.

Imperial Service

As a result of the death of his father, Fritz decided to join the Imperial Academy, and to destroy on the Republic. On the On Year 15 Day 231, he graduated the Imperial Academy with Honors, and achieved his goal of becoming an Imperial Navy Officer. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the 4th Imperial Fleet.