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Some would call him "The man without a conscience". Others would call him "God of War". A man of few words, the Coruscani known as Dante Erinith has a clouded past; only he and but a few others know of it, and none are willing to tell the tale. A sergeant in the Imperial Army, now aged 24, Dante has gradually come to accept the men and women around him, but as ever, he sleeps with one eye open. Any man with his past would.
Some would call him "The man without a conscience". Others would call him "God of War". A man of few words, the Coruscani known as Dante Erinith has a violent past; one that he is neither proud about, nor willing to elaborate on. A sergeant in the Imperial Army, now aged 24, Dante has gradually come to accept the men and women around him, but as ever, he sleeps with one eye open. Any man with his past would.
== Character History ==
== Character History ==

Revision as of 20:14, 15 July 2009

Dante Erinith
Biographical Information
Race Coruscani
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Elia Erinith (Condition: unknown)
Father Jias Dormir (Condition: deceased)
Spouse N/A
Siblings N/A
Children N/A
Born Year -13, Day 218
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions Soldier
Prior Service Unknown
Awards Unknown

Some would call him "The man without a conscience". Others would call him "God of War". A man of few words, the Coruscani known as Dante Erinith has a violent past; one that he is neither proud about, nor willing to elaborate on. A sergeant in the Imperial Army, now aged 24, Dante has gradually come to accept the men and women around him, but as ever, he sleeps with one eye open. Any man with his past would.

Character History

Early Life

Little is truly known about the earlier years of Dante's life. Details remain fuzzy, and the little confirmed facts are debated by those who care. The son of a Sith Lord and a simple maiden; the worst way to enter a life. Even before Dante was born, his father had left Coruscant, as he considered the previous relationship to be just a fling; to be enjoyed like a toy, and then cast aside as such. His mother, upon news of her pregnancy, almost fell into shock, and after delivery, almost ignored Dante entirely. He constantly had to be watched over by others, such as neighbours, or dumped at the local bar. Fending for himself, Dante knew nothing of his father and little of his mother; save for an intense hate, the desire to see them suffer and burn. The only thing he knew, the only thing he cared about, was survival. He didn't care who had to die or otherwise "disappear" to acheive that. For a while, Dante was the very thing he later despised; a parasite, living off other people until he no longer needed them. Things stayed this way for years to come.

Teenage Life

It was just like any other day; the dark depths of Coruscant's slums, dirty and damp to the core. It was approaching dusk, and even then a man could barely see his hand in front of his face. Now, a nine year old boy, Dante felt the same emotions flow through him, day after day; hate, fear, anger...the daily requirements for survival in the slums. But there was also lonliness; he wanted someone - anyone - beside him, so he didn't have to feel alone anymore. Almost as if in silent acknowledgement, men began to shuffle through the slums. Children disappeared, young men disappeared, all were taken by them. Dante could barely make the figures out in the night, before he felt a twig snap behind him. Quickly tilting around in alarm, he felt a sharp crack at the back of his head. Before he knew it, he was being carried; presumably by the one who had attacked him. Slowly, he lost consciousness, after saying a bitter farewell to the air.

After what felt like forever, Dante finally awoke in unfamiliar conditions. Slowly looking around while on the floor, he realised he was in a tent, and around him on the floor were men just like himself. No, not men...these were children and young boys like himself. They were all bound at the arms and legs. Unable to move, Dante felt fear creep back to his mind. Before he could close his eyes, the ragged cloth covering the tent's entrance was swept aside and 3 armed men walked into the tent. One after the other, they dragged the children outside, as well as Dante. Lining them up in single file, two men examined the boys as the other kept his gun fixed on the others. Occasionally, children deemed moderately fit were moved away from the others. Those deemed unfit were shot on the spot. Dante was among the last to be examined. Full of fear, he thought a silent prayer and closed his eyes as he was inspected. He felt a sharp jab at his back after a minute, which alerted him, then he realised he was being moved towards the other still living children.

What was to follow would be 2 years of brutal training in combat and tactics. Many of the children Dante knew there died; those who remained changed. Some turned slowly into real men. Others broke and died on the battlefield. As a child soldier, Dante was forced many times to fight, often with weaponry he was either unfamiliar with or broke down after a few reloads. Never was he given any tactical information; he was little more than a piece of meat to his overlords. However, Dante grew close to 2 other child soldiers; Kelda "Shake" Pelas, and Rasco "Lucky" Keltan. Over many battles, these 3 child soldiers sticked together; they always stayed with each other, and never abandoned their brothers no matter how outnumbered or hopeless the situation seemed. For the first time, Dante knew friendship. He felt an emotion other than hate.

The Felucia Affair

danteinfelucia.jpg Dante holding position on Felucia. Kelda and Rasco are in the background.

Month after month, year after year, wars were fought and blood was spilled. Dante, Kelda and Rasco all fought and survived. Alone they would have broken, but together they kept their minds intact. After Dante reached the age of 18, the three of them were shipped to the planet of Felucia. Nobody knew why, although rumors abound that they were to attack the limited pirate presence on the planet. To the three of them that didn't matter though. It was just another war. They had already learnt that the whole affair "don't mean a thing".

The beginning of the end for Dante's career as a former child soldier ended on this planet. In a heated battle, Dante and his friends were seperated from the rest of their platoon. They were forced to make their way around on a planet about which they knew nothing at all. But they knew they were free.

dantekeldaandrascoinfelucia.jpg Dante, Kelda and Rosco traversing a somewhat deforested area of Felucia.

After almost 4 days of non-stop movement, the three eventually came across a guarded spaceport; ironically, it was operated by the same organisation that enslaved the three of them. Making their way in, they managed to secure a YT-1300 called the "Shadow Flame" before coming under heavy fire. While Dante was ready to fly, Kelda and Rasco ran to the ship; however, the two were cut down by blaster fire halfway across the hangar, and Dante was forced to flee for his own life. The deaths of his two closest friends would remain on his mind for years to come.

Life as a Pilot

For the first time in many, many years, Dante Erinith was free. It had been almost ten years since he could feel this sweet sensation which he once took for granted. But inside, Dante was hurt. The two men he had befriended and fought many battles with, the men with whom he had bonds forged in blood and war were now gone. Guilt and pain wreaked havoc on Dante's mind, but even now his will remained strong, keeping his santiy together, even if just barely.

Over time, Dante befriended a Barabel named Kael Ta'em, a ranking operative of SYT Transport. After joining this company, Dante found a new set of friends, not all of them human. But they all had one thing in common; an avid love of flying, and a fierce loyalty to one another. It was here that Dante learned the ace piloting skills he would use in later life, as well as more about the galaxy in which he lived. But paradise was to be short lived, and as he always did, Dante had to go yet again. Travelling the galaxy in the Shadow Flame, he eventually found his way back to Coruscant. Here he lived for several years in relative peace using the money he had made from working for SYT, and Dante savored it while it could last; he had learned that whenever he found peace, something would shatter it.

Joining the Empire

Time passed as it always would, and Dante loved his new existence. It seemed that nothing could stop his new life, and that he had finally found what he was looking for; he was ready to put aside his prized A295 rifle, and live. But combat found him yet again, though in a more discrete manner. A stormtrooper parade marched through the town, impressing all with their uniformity and teamwork. Dante was beginning to grow low on money, and he realised he couldn't live like this forever. He could use the skills he learnt as a child soldier to not only sustain himself, but sustain the galaxy as well. The decision was made. Dante Erinith, son of Jias Dormir, was to join the Imperial Army.

Important Individuals

Kelda Pelas

A Kuati man, Dante first met this fellow child soldier at their shared age of 12. Even for his age, he knew alot about flying and taught Dante the basics he would later use to escape the spaceport on Felucia. A skilled rifleman in his own right, he and his salvaged E-11 would prove to be a valuable ally to Dante and Rasco during the wars.

Rasco Keltan

A Coruscani and excellent marksman, Rasco was not exactly the most intelligent man in the galaxy. More often than not, Dante and Kelda would tease him for his suggestions and odd beliefs, such as his faith that a flying pig somewhere in space was protecting him. He had the nickname "Lucky", and rightly so; if Rasco said they'd survive, they'd survive.

Kael Ta'em

A former security guard, this strong Barabel was one of the senior contractors at SYT Transport. Even today, he remains a good friend of Dante, and although Dante has long since left SYT, Kael lives on as one of the heads of the company. With Kael and the other SYT contractors' guidance, Dante learnt the excellent flying skills he utilises today on a daily basis.