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Revision as of 12:27, 3 August 2011

Erick Schrodinger
Biographical Information
Race Coruscanti
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Unknown
Father Roderch Schrodinger (Dead)
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -6 Day 24
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions None
Prior Service None
Awards iahg.jpg

Erick Schrodinger

A young and fragile looking Imperial politician working under the Regional Government. Erick is a very polite and gentle person, however serious and too focused on his surroundings. Wearing a pair of glasses and having his characteristic purpleish eyes, he is surely a figure to remember of due its peculiarity, for the young resembles an aristocrat.


Early Life

Erick Schrodinger, Coruscant. Born into a rich family of businessmen, he has been in touch with such matters ever since he remembers himself to be a person. Born in the City-planet of Coruscant, his closer relative was his father, Roderich Schrodinger. Roderich was owner of a large quantity of private territory over the surface of other small planets and moons. Nothing compared to big factions business, however for a private owner it granted him quite enough wealth to have a pleasant life. His wife, whos name is unknown, disapeared right after Erick's birth, and possibly enraged from her, Roderich never told his son the name of his mother. Erick, also, never missed what he never has in the first place.

The Schrodinger family lived in the outskirts of the populated and agitated city of Coruscant. Living in a considerably luxuous house, Erick never knew lack of credits of any other resource. Even though he was just a young one, he didn't knew that such things existed. Roderich being a very conservative father, was decided to rise the young one with as much distance as possible from the capital, as for what he said, it was a not a very inspiring place for a young kid. Having in his home everything they needed to survive and entertain themselves, nothing but a dozen of droids was met in there.

Since very young Erick has lessons on many matters, modestly speaking, probably better lessons than the ones found in many academies through the galaxy. Roderich, despite his arrogance, was a very wise man, what reflects in his successfull career in the world of business. Personally teatching Erick many topics that would come in hand for his future, what Roderich always stated, that he was not to decide it for the young. Math, geography, galactical history, and any other topic that one could learn in the academies was given to Erick, in a manner a little more shaped towards the kind of world he was going to meet once grown. Wanting or not, it was inevitable that Erick was to be part of a business one time or another. As the boy became older, some skirmishes classes were also given by Roderich, concerning fencing with a saber, wich Roderich considered to be the best way of fighting for it was elegant enough, and so precise.

While being a young one, Erick was of course the reflex of his father. A well looking person with moderate arrogance and a polite composture. His future still uncertain, but the present was the complete stereotype of an landowner aristocrat. However it was clear that he was not a bad person. Erick always showed compassion for the less afortunate whenever he could witness a scene of such, feat that his already old father never carried. The young Schrodinger was indeed a better person than his father, even though that wouldn't mean the most successfull one, as Roderich always said, but a good person. He felt the pain of those who could not assure themselves a better life like the one he was having, but still, even with his own wealth he couldn't help them.

Growing up with such feelings, Erick became not only devoted to the cause of the citzerns but also enraged that no change was being made. As far as he could notice, the rich just became richier, and the poor, just more mizerable. That couldn't continue one. After a long conversation with Roderich, who was never against his decisions, but also did not agree with such feelings, he decided that a change has to be made. Roderich said that was Erick was thinking and feeling, was good for the others, but only for them. He was going to live a life not for himself, but for the people around him, and even that being the noblest of the feelings, the rewards wouldn't pay up for its price, and since not every other person shared those feelings, hard enemies was to be made. With a deep gaze on his father, Erick stated "If things shall be this way, so be it."

Since then, since Erick acquired the knowing that the world didn't resumed to his own house and home, he has decided to change the lifes of the others for better. However, he didn't knew where to start with. His wealth and resources from the mines and lands of the family wasn't even close to be enough for such matter. He didn't knew exactly what to do, and Roderich, and already debilitated old man, has some ideas. Roderich told Erick to try for the public living in the government. It would be probably the only place where he could make things happen the way he was willing to. But to be carefull. Along with the oportunities to bring good to the poor, he was going to make an enormous ammount of enemies who did not share such visions with Schrodinger. Erick felt a doubt in that moment. In order to do so, he has to leave his father, and that, was a difficult matter to decide upon since Erick has a great admiration for Roderich.

Months and months has passed and that decision didn't came. Erick wasn't strong enough to just leave his old father, but the old Schrodinger has something in mind. Something drastic indeed, and very radical. He was already in the end of his life. He already has lived enough to be proud of himself, commited his own mistakes and all the sort of things. That seemed to be the only left gift he could present Erick with. Roderich sold all of his lands and mines, and transfered the credits to Erick's account. Secretely, then, he poisoned himself to death. Roderich knew that Erick would never leave that house if he was still alive, and that wasn't something to discuss upon. He was already aged, and felt like he was just holding the young and promissor Erick back.

At first, the now only Schrodinger alive blamed himself for his father's suicide. With reason. He was the one with those idealistic ideas, and those brought Roderich to death. After week after week guiltying himself, he found, above Roderich's saber, a note. The note stated the following.

Erick, this is the first step in order to live for the others. Leave behind any trace of life left in you. You will never be able to live for the good of others, if you put your own good in first place. Be yourself.

After reading those notes, Erick made up his mind. He was never to forget his old father, nor the lessons from him learned or that house, but he would fufill the old man's last will. Even if not for himself, but for Roderich. Using the credits from the lands and mines sold, Erick brought himself a private ship, in wich he travelled to the capital, Coruscant. What he was to do, was to assign himself in the ever growing Galactic Empire, from where he could for sure complete his will.

The only thing that Erick held himelf with, was his father's saber. That was the only item that he insisted himself in carrying, not only due to the fact that it was Roderich's, but also for self defense, given that he knew how to fence. Erick enlisted himself by the age of 18 in the first office he could find once in coruscant, and using his own ship to transport himself to the Academy courses, his Imperial life was just to start.

Imperial Academy

After being recruited by a Naval Pilot named Raffael Goschmitt, Erick directed himself to the Imperial Academy building. It was a magnificent building made of the most pure and beauty materials from the galaxy. Erick wasn't completely in the mood to apreciate it, but even though, he has to recognize it. It was the first building of such kind that he witnessed, even visiting the capital once in a while along with his old father.

Once arriving, he was given the Recruit uniform. At first it seemed to be a very embarassing cloth for Erick, due to his physical apparence, it looked pretty much as sleeping clothes on the young boy. Nothing to complain about, however. Being assigned to the 808th Class of tutor Krakonico Petermind, Erick was to attend the classes by the next morning, after he unpacked his bagages at his dorms. It was the first time that he slept in a place not owned by his father, but he never felt himself intimidated.

Erick was a bold person, not a defying one, but bold. He was so devoted to his cause, to bring good to the others that his own good didn't mattered in that moment, as his father stated on his last will. If enduring the training and courses would be hard, so he was the one to put effort into it. The Galactic Empire was a government, but a very militaristic one, and so the courses also envolved physical trainings, wich seemed to be the only problem for Erick. Not big enough to considering his repproval, though.

The purpled eyed Imperial never made friends back in the Academy, not due to his personality, that still ressembled his old father one, an arrogant looking aristocrat, but for the lack of time he has left for socializing. While some other imperials spent their times in the Imperial Cantina, or watching some holo, he was studying. Luckly for the courses he has applied on, many of the questions and topics were already reviwed by Roderich back in his youth. No problem was found by Erick in that matters.

Attending to the Imperial Academy for its period, the attention of many tutors have been directed towards Erick. He was commiting himself to the courses in a far more dedicated manner than many other fellow students. He spent days and days reviewing the same texts, writing on ideas based on those texts and elaborating himself some exercises to solve, even when not asked by his tutors. For the course he has applied, the physcal part of training was minimal, so he was able to dedicate himself to the lectures in a better manner, and that, made the attention of the deans to be drawn upon him. The expectations from the boy was high.

Finally the graduating exams came. Erick, as always with a cold look upon his face and the pose of a noble one, was confident with the results. The exams took its time, being the whole day. Nothing that would tire Schrodinger, given that he spent his last few months studying the whole day, and sometimes not even eating to do so. Under the tutelage of Krakonico Petermind Erick attended to the final exams, along with the final assignment of work. The only that wasn't a surprise, was the branch decision maked on the final tests: Regional Government.

After studying some Imperial history, Erick was willing to serve for the Deep Core sector, due to both, the Bastion legend, and also for he has a thinking that the people of that sector would be in need of help. He didn't knew by that time what to expect from the governamental works, neither how it was run, but the decision to join so was a clear one. Even though the Deep Core was just a vague will, any other sector directed would be intersting.

As the final exams were review by the tutors, the final cerimony of graduation was being held. By the time, the uniform wasn't looking so bad on him anymore, either for Erick was already used to it, but also for he grew a little after being part in the Empire. As the names has been called by each tutor and gave the current graduations and badges, finally his own name was called by Petermind. Standing infront of the tutor, finally he was given the badge and title. He has gratuaded with honors.

By returning to his quarters with the new badge, in the next day he was directed to the Imperial Regional Government under the rank of Chief Planetary Assistant however, yet to be directed for a sector. Holding his new rank, badge and belongings, Erick awaited for the information on where and when to be assigned to any sector around the galaxy to finally start his job on behalf the Empire.

Imperial Career

Regional Government

Erick as soon as he left the Imperial Academy, he was directed to the Regional Government in the beginning of his early career as an Imperial. Still not knowing what to be expected neither where he would serve, the young Erick awaited in the quarters for the information on where he was going to serve under.

Service Information

Event Date Provided by
Recruited Year 12 Day 245 Command Flight Sergeant Raffael Goschmitt
Academy Courses Year 12 Day 246 - 247 (Tutor)Junior Administrator Krakonico Petermind
Academy Graduation (Honors) Year 12 Day 247 (Tutor)Junior Administrator Krakonico Petermind
Promoted to Chief Planetary Assistant Year 12 Day 247 (Tutor)Junior Administrator Krakonico Petermind