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On year 11 day 163 Santiano Salazar, now a new Private, began his career in the [[Imperial Army|Imperial Army]].
On year 11 day 163 Santiano Salazar, now a new Private, began his career in the [[Imperial Army|Imperial Army]].
| width = 1
| float = right
| image = http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1luLRXKoJM8/R-YgHfWd9TI/AAAAAAAADBs/6l4UfIJinmc/s400/m%2Btrooper.jpg
| description = PVT Salazar fresh out of the academy and in his stormtrooper armor.
=Service Record=
=Service Record=

Revision as of 04:57, 1 August 2010

Santiano Salazar
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Antonia Salazar
Father Santiago Salazar
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Was born on Coruscant
Imperial Service
Branch IA_mini.png
Imperial Army
Positions Legionary
Prior Service None
Awards IABG.jpg

Describtion and Personality

Santiano Salazar is a human of average height and weight(5'11 and 190 lbs). He has black hair and brown eyes, Due to his place of birth and upbringing on Coruscant he speaks basic with a typical Imperial (coruscanti) accent. He is a quiet person and is often deep in thought about one thing or another. And as a past time he enjoys a game of Sabacc

Background before Imperial service

Santiano was born to Santiago and Antonia Salazar, an upper middle class Coruscanti family. His father was the owner of a small local shuttle and transport business, and because of that the family was somewhat well off. It was in that service of the family business that Santiano learned to pilot various ground and shuttle craft. His family were always loyal supporters of The Galactic Empire and the New Order, his family had seen the chaos and corruption the old republic had brought to the galaxy and were happy to see order restored to a galaxy in chaos. When Santiano came of age he applied to the Imperial Academy and began his studies.

At the Imperial Academy

"So, let me welcome you in the Imperial Academy, Recruit. Here begins your career in the Empire. Will it be a long and prosperous, or short and dull"
— Ardath Lemeth

In year 11 day 154 Santiano Salazar began his studies at the Imperial Academy. His instructor was Flight Officer Ardath Lemeth.The initial confussion that every new recurit goes through was overcome quickly and he pressed on his studies at the academy with the help of his instructor. At the academy santiano did very well on his civics and history studies and average in his military protocol studies. On year 11 day 162 Santiano graduated from the Academy with the average score of 89%.

Santiano during his time at the academy enjoying a game of Sabacc

Upon graduation Santiano had thought about entering into the navy, given his background with piloting vehicles.In the end he decied to enter into the army because he thought he had spent enough time in the cockpit of a vehicle and that it would be nice to get outdoors. He was assinged to the Imperial Army

Service in the Imperial Army

"Come on you apes! You wanta live forever?"
— Unknown Platoon sergeant,1918

On year 11 day 163 Santiano Salazar, now a new Private, began his career in the Imperial Army.

Service Record

  • Y11D154-Y11D162 Recruit-Imperial Academy
  • Y11D163-Present Private-Imperial Army