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Revision as of 15:07, 24 January 2010

Lorik Cas
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Raleen Cas (Foster Parent)
Father Morgan Bower (Foster Parent)
Spouse None
Siblings Unknown
Children None
Born Year -10, Day 145
Imperial Service
Branch IN_mini.png
Imperial Navy
Positions None
Prior Service None
Awards IAHG

Lorik Cas is a human member of the Galactic Empire currently serving in the Imperial Navy. Hailing from the chrome skyscrapers of Corsucant, Lorik divides his time between his duties as an Imperial pilot and investigating leads as to who his real parents are, or as the case may be, were.



A vast number of uncertainties and half-truths plague Lorik's early history. Though medical records seem to indicate he was born in a medical clinic on one of the mid-levels of Coruscant, close scrutinization of the area purported to be the clinic in the documents reveals only an empty sector intended for scenic purposes. Though it is possible that the clinic, if it ever existed at all, was demolished some time between Lorik's birth and the present, a lack of demolition records in the Coruscanti public archives suggests otherwise. Coruscant's planetary bureaucracy being as complex as it is though, there is an equally if not larger chance that such records were simply lost within mountains of red-tape and a horde corrupt political dealings.

A definitive time-line of Lorik's life can only be established from his third birthday onwards. It was at this time that he was adopted by a pair of foster parents; one Raleen Cas and one Morgan Bower. The couple discovered their new adopted son at a state run orphanage located on one of Coruscant's lower levels. Despite the rampant crime rate present in the lower sections of the planet, the orphanage enjoyed a relatively positive reputation, most likely due to it being partly funded by the Republic military. Most residents were expected to enter military academia proper at the age of fifteen, if not already adopted by that point. Though enlistment was not compulsory, every child was encouraged to do so in order to repay their debt to the government for providing them with a somewhat pleasant upbringing in contrast to that of other orphans that lived in the lower sectors.

Of course, Lorik never reached such a point as he left the facility with his new parents long before the cut off for military academy recruitment. Though his foster parents had found him in one of Coruscant's lower levels, they were in-fact residents of a much higher status. Their residence was relatively modest for an upper level homestead, though they weren't exactly living on the bare minimum of necessity either.

Lorik was brought up as the couple would have raised their own blood, and was often spoiled to the point of complacency. At the same time however, both parents encouraged their young charge to inherit a sense of justice and order. Morgan himself was a prominent peace-keeper for the local security force, as was his father before him and so on all of the way back to some of his first ancestors. He'd intended to pass the trade on to his own child, but a rare genetic disorder had meant that Raleen could not give birth. Rather than abandoning his fiancée for the sake of having a blood relation, he decided to adopt. Thus, Lorik found himself quickly set along a path that lead squarely to a career in the Coruscanti security force.

Adolescence and the Coruscant Security Force

So it was that at the age of fifteen, Lorik was entered into the Coruscant Security Academy. Having been raised to know most of the tricks of the trade, he already had a significant advantage over the other students at the academy, and quickly rose to be one of the top pupils. Recommended by his instructors to graduate into the security force a year early at the age of seventeen as opposed to the usual mandatory age of eighteen, Lorik was a security officer by his seventeenth birthday.

Though he initially enjoyed his posting, and the praise of his father for obtaining such a position so early, a growing dissatisfaction with the force began to manifest within Lorik. He did indeed feel he was protecting the innocent, as mandated by the force's creed, but constantly found himself at odds with his commander. An elderly Rodian, he often complained about the Galactic Empire and it's interference with the law. He'd equally as often conduct huge rants about how the Empire had corrupted law enforcement during case briefings, and he'd even occasionally lapse into near frantic tirades against the Empire's presence in the galaxy over the old ways of the Republic. It was apparent to nearly every officer in the precinct that he was on the verge of treason.

The final straw came one evening during a routine call regarding a cantina brawl. Lorik and his vastly more experienced partner were the first officers to arrive. His partner; Adamus Rafferty, was a retired veteran of the Galactic Empire. He'd often tell all of the officers at the precinct about his old war stories, and though a large percentage of them were most likely whimsical, the vast collection of medals he kept on his person and the Major's insignia he had framed in his office were a testament to his stature as a legend among the force. He and Lorik assessed the situation at the cantina. It appeared that a number of off-duty factory workers had become involved in an altercation with a single man dressed in a set of black fatigues. Though the workers immediately identified themselves as both factory labourers and (via the dizzying smell of alcohol on their breaths) the instigators of the situation, the man in the fatigues was less eager to co-operate.

Though his manner was cordial, he insisted on keeping his identity a secret. Leaving Rafferty to deal with the stranger, Lorik called in for backup to escort the party back to the station for questioning. Within five minutes the chief himself appeared. Apparently he was in the area on one of his token monthly patrols. Assessing the situation for himself, he dismissed both Lorik and Rafferty, though he did so much more aggressively with the latter. The chief and he didn't get on at all, mostly due to Rafferty's status as an Imperial veteran. Some moments later, the cantina erupted with screams and shortly thereafter, the unmistakable sharp bang of a blaster shot.

Lorik and his partner rushed into the cantina to find the chief stood above the stranger. Where once the stranger had been standing un-phased by a pair of peace-keepers attempts at identification, there was now only a large ugly burn mark scarred onto the wall. The stranger himself was a crumpled mess on the floor, a large cauterized burn in his chest evidence of his fate. Even more compelling was the sight of a smoking blaster clutched in the chiefs hand. Though Lorik was shocked by the sight, his much more experienced colleague hunched over to retrieve an item that the stranger still clutched in his rapidly stiffening hand. Bringing the item up to the light, Rafferty took a startled gasp. Rushing over to his side, Lorik examined the item that had caused his usually stoic partner to express such shock. It was a leather bound badge, not unlike those owned by the security officers themselves. But embossed on the badge itself was not the usual security force crest. Instead the insignia of the Galactic Empire glinted under the dull smoke-ridden light of the cantina. Written below were three terrifying words that lead both officers to grimace and stare at the chief;


The rest of that night was perhaps the longest of Lorik's life. At the report of gunfire, several more officers arrived at the scene. Among them was a liaison from the Imperial military. A liaison had been assigned to every precinct recently, all to track some supposed rebel movements on Coruscant. Everybody had their suspicions that the Empire was really keeping an eye on the chief, but nobody dared say it. But now their was no blissful ignorance to escape into. Here was the chief, standing just feet away from the body of an Imperial agent gunned down trying to identify himself. Now it was certain that the Empire had been after him. He must have known, and upon seeing the badge of the agent had assumed that his arrest had arrived. Rather than give in peacefully, he decided to take down as many of his captors as possible. But he had it wrong. The agent was on an entirely separate duty, something to do with scouting the local dives for informants.

It didn't matter though. A member of the Empire had been slain, and the chief was summarily executed for his crime. He didn't even try to resist, he simply threw down his pistol and walked out of the cantina flanked by stormtroopers. The single blaster shot that rung out shortly thereafter was information enough as to his fate. Though Lorik and every other officer of the precinct was questioned for days by agents of the Empire, none of them were detained. Perhaps due to some of the sway held by good old Major Rafferty, the force had escaped mass retribution for the slaying, or so some officers summarized. Punishment or not though, Lorik knew his time with the force was over. Rafferty didn't seem to think the same, and as the new chief offered him a promotion to detective. Lorik politely declined and instead asked for some of his old Imperial contacts.

Enlistment with the Empire and Graduation

Armed with the commendation of Rafferty and a rudimentary knowledge of the Galactic Empire, Lorik set out for the nearest recruitment station. After a rigorous selection programme, Lorik was selected to be among the next batch of recruits due to arrive at the illustrious Imperial Academy. He said his farewells to his foster parents and set out on the shuttle that would take him to his new career.

Already accustomed to quasi-military service through his time with the security force back home on Coruscant, Lorik passed all of his exams with relative ease. Completing basic training with an overall score of ninety-three percent, he graduated from the Imperial Academy with honours and entered service with the Imperial Navy as a Crewman. Though naval service never entered into his duties as a security officer, Lorik would often take lessons in his spare time, and constantly sought enjoyment during his off-duty hours by flying. This made him quite a competent pilot by the time of his enlistment with the Empire, and so he chose to join the Navy rather than the Army. He also hoped such a posting would allow him a greater chance of discovering who his biological parents were, as he summarized he'd be mobilized in a larger variety of areas as an Imperial pilot. Such concerns were considered of secondary importance to him however, so much so that he strived to be a loyal member of the Empire above all else. If that were to mean putting off discovering his past, so be it.

Promotions in Imperial Service